OVI First Offense

General Overview

OVI is known by many different names: Driving Under the Influence; Driving While Impaired; DUI; or DWI.

The charge “Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs” (OVI) can be found in Ohio Revised Code 4511.19. “No person shall operate any vehicle, streetcar, or trackless trolley within this state, if, at the time of the operation… [t]he person is under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them.” Additionally, their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be over the legal limit of .08%.


A first OVI is normally a misdemeanor of the first degree. However, this charge can be enhanced. A misdemeanor of the first degree has a maximum penalty of 180 days in jail. Additionally, a person who has been convicted of an OVI offense is required to spend a mandatory consecutive 72 hours hours in jail. The Court may further require 3 days in a Driver’s Intervention Program (DIP). Also, the court may impose a fine of no less than $375, and no more than $1,075.

If you have been charged with an OVI, call me and I will do everything I can to get you the best result. In my mind, criminal law is a game and I like to win.


Standardized Field Sobriety Training: My Experience Learning the Dark Arts.